Great China – Restaurant

This website was built with WordPress. It was both a final project for my New Media Production course and a freelance job. The theme I chose was Restaurant and Cafe because I liked the structure of the header bar but it lacked many of the features I wanted because I did not want to pay for the pro version. Instead, I used a few plugins. I used PluginOps Landing Page Builder to build my landing page/homepage because my theme would not allow me to create a page where the image covered the whole page. Another plugin I found useful was the Widget Context plugin. I needed this plugin for the MapPress Maps for WordPress plugin because I only needed the map to show up under the info page instead of every single page. Finally, the plugin I utilized the most was RestroPress. This plugin allowed me to add each menu item to my menu page and organize them into categories. This will allow the visitors to my website easy access to each category regardless of where they are on the menu currently. It also allowed me to add various sizes/prices, pictures, and descriptions for each item. Its checkout page also allowed me to display a clean and smooth checkout process that includes various options of payment and a copy of the receipt sent to the customer’s email. Some other plugins that I used were Limit Login Attempts Reloaded, RARA One Click Demo Import (needed for my theme), WooCommerce (to checkout), and Yoast SEO (to improve website traffic quality and quantity).

*Currently it is not in use as the owner is working to connect with the current computer system in store.

UVSASE – organization

As an IT committee member for the organization UVSASE (Union of Vietnamese Student Associations of the SouthEast), I was tasked with the maintenance and creation of multiple pages. I would receive orders from the IT director and within a 24-hour time frame, I would complete the list of updates. Over 19 universities across six states are a part of UVSASE. This results in frequent updates especially before and after events (in terms of registration forms and recap photos and videos). We utilized WordPress and Elementor for the clean and polished look of the website as well as an easy transition between IT committees at the end of every academic year.

Leadership Board


One of the events that UVSASE hosts annually is SELC (Southeast Leadership Conference). SELC is a weekend-long event where students from the Southeast region would gather and grow their leadership skills and bond with fellow UVSASE members. Each participant is assigned a team and throughout the weekend, each student will participate in events to gain points for their team. Due to COVID-19, we were required to recreate the conference as a virtual event. The IT committee created a theme and a design for the website that would host the workshop links and the leader board. While every committee member played a part in creating each page, my main focus was on the leadership board which I composed by using Node.js, HTML, and CSS
